Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mother fights Augusta Family Courts

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 Columbia County, GA (WFXG) -
"And there's no words to describe what it was like to force your child to go back to a situation you knew was unsafe for him."
On the verge of tears, a local mom explained the ordeal she's been through. We'll call her Veronica. She said her son, a second grader, is being abused while in the home of his father, her ex-husband - a law enforcement officer in our area.

"We believe he's being sexually, mentally, physically, emotionally abused," said Veronica.

And she has medical records she said backs up her claims. In documents from Georgia Regents Medical Center, doctors said something is happening to her son that causes symptoms "significant for post traumatic stress disorder." Doctors also found evidence of trauma that Veronica believes to be evidence of sexual abuse.

Veronica said those problem follow her son to school, where she said he creates disturbing drawings.

"He is very violent with other children, as reported by the school," said Veronica. "He is writing death threats to the students, as of this past Friday."

According to Veronica, she's tried to make these claims in court, but they've fallen on deaf ears

A secretary for the Honorable Daniel Craig, the judge in her proceedings said he won't comment on specific cases.

And now Veronica is making a plea for any help she can get.

"Why in my son's case is it going to come down to something happening to one of these children, when it could have been prevented this whole time," asked Veronica.

Family advocacy groups said Veronica's case is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to problems with family court.

"Reform is absolutely needed," said Deb Beacham, Executive Director of My Advocate Center. "We've gone to the capital to try to educate legislators, to look at statutes, and understand how we can help ensure the courts let evidence make it on the records."

Beacham said she is fighting for the rights of all parents. She Veronica's case is like a lot of others she has followed across the state; and now, changes are needed.

"This mother should not be cut off from her child," said Beacham. "Especially not when the evidence exists, and there's new evidence on this case."

Beacham said she wants what all moms like Veronica want: what's best for the children.

"To see that this child is restored to the parent trying to protect them," said Beacham.
To report cases of possible injustice, or help families in need, go to the My Advocate Center website.
Copyright 2014 WFXG. All rights reserved.

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